So I put my music thing together, and I'm wondering where to go from here. How do I get the axoloti to read the music thing so I can start routing patches to the controls? Are there any good tutorial patches that can help get my feet off the ground? Is there a thread that I completely looked over that has all the information I need?
Beginners Help Needed: Music Thing Modular
Check this thread. I have created a couple of subpatches for the Modular thingy thing. You can get them here:
It is setup, so it basicly has got 2 functions/layers for each knob. There is a short description in the patch on ow to switch between layers.
Wait... you mean the Axocontrol? MTM is a brandname.
On the subject of this, is there any way to PWM all the LEDs and read all the pots at the same time? The PWM object that addresses a couple of LEDs also addresses a couple of the pins used to read the pots and it messes it all up. Would the problem be avoided by an object which only addresses the LED pins or is the reason it does both at once because they're tied together in the hardware support?
The Music Thing Modular Axoloti Control Board is designed by @Tombola and available at Thonk
But isn't MTM his brand? It's certainly not the name of the control board at least.
Yes, I bought an Axoloti, wanted a control board, designed it, open sourced it under a CC-BY-SA Open Hardware license. I design Music Thing Modular modules, so I put a MTM logo on the PCB.
I have sometimes referred to it as 'axo control', which infringes a little on the Axoloti brand but hopefully isn't a big issue.