Beginner: How to start/stop sequencer via external midi clock


As the title says, I want my midi clock start/stop signals to control my counter/sequencer object (playback essentially).
Is there an easy way or examples I haven't found yet?


There's a clock object in the community library that has separate start/stop outlets... Think it's called clock_rx or something. Search 'clock' and it's a little down the list


Hey thanks, I found it, but I am not sure what to do with it, lol, apologies.
The example I am working from is taking triggers, feeding into the sequencer object. My problem is, I have not found a way to make those triggers conditional, i.e. only pass them on when the midi click has been started.
I tried using an loical AND object and it almost worked, but it would always start from the second step instead of the first.
I think maybe because the first step's index is zero so the AND yields a negative result. Or because the retriggering is emitted after the first triggering.
Sorry in case that does not make sense.


I found that the community-object drj/seq/seq_clk_sync does what I want.
It has a miditransport tickbox and lets you choose internal/external source and device, has a clock divider, all the bells and whistles.
However, I needed to create a separate midi/in/clock object in order to connect the "active" outlet into the "run" inlet to make it obey.

Oh boy, this is going to be awesome, I am already lovin' the Axoloti! Thank you Johannes for making this!