no there is no fresher build.
yeah, I should have done a video on this, but been busy bug fixed etc.
ok, so when you do add to library,
you have to choose which library you want to add to,
by default there are two choices...
community, which you should only use if you have signed up to the community library (see other category on forum)
home, where you should choose if you want your own 'private' copy.
so for testing, and now, choose home
you can now choose a name,
objects are in a hierarchy, e.g. equals is math/==
so id recommend you do similar,
and Id also recommend you choose a new unique name, the easiest way to do this is to add put it in your own section
so I put mine in tb,
so I might call my object
the file, is as its says , only information ... the library and the name you choose will determine where it is located.
(note: you may have to tab thru the fields for it to update)
hit ok, and if you look in the directory you saw in the file field , it should now exist.
final bit, and probably the bit thats not obvious
I do not replace the original object in the patch with your object!
so select the object, right click and hit replace
now you should be able to find your object in the object browser , either by typing in the name, or navigating, and looking under the appropriate library (e.g. home if you did the above)
help this helps
other tips: (for 1.0.9, given some of the issues I think are present... but are being fixed)
I tend to alway do the add to library , immediately to create my new object, then I replace the object , then I start editing it... and you will then find 'save' is available. (since its your object to edit)
after editing, change the focus to a different field, e.g. move off the k-rate tab.
make sure you add a description, author, and license details - don't leave them blank
(we also have a bug, so its not asking you to save, if you makes changes, again this is being fixed, but remember to hit save!)
as i say these issues are being resolved... so it will be more robust next time around.