Axoloti/Volca (Question about Volca Bass)


I was thinking of creating a little Axoloti/Volca setup, so that I could feed a Volca into the Axoloti and use it as a purpose-designed effects processor, maybe even with some recording/sampling abilities thrown in.

Question though; does anyone here have a KORG Volca Bass?

I was thinking of getting one but I can't find out something I need to know. To be honest, I initially dismissed the Volca Bass as a poinlessly crippled product due to them not giving it key sync on the LFO. But I read recently (and have seen videos) about an update that adds tempo sync to the LFO.

Clearly I wasn't the only one who thought it was pointlessly crippled, but it does beg the question, does this sync update extend to triggering a note manually as well?

What I mean is, if I manually trigger a note, either by MIDI or the on-board keys (without a pattern running) will it reset the LFO on each key press, or does the new sync work strictly only while a pattern is running?

I need it to have key sync on the LFO (like the Volca Keys does). I did register on last week, so that I could ask about it there, but I never got an activation email so cannot log-in and ask about it. I even sent an email to the webmaster, but no reply. It's as if my emails are being blocked.


I have the Volca Bass, but can't find anything about an official firmware update for the Volca Bass. Maybe somebody did a mod or something.

The manual says that the square wave LFO is triggered at note on, the triangle wave LFO is not. Can't test it right now.


Thanks for the reply, I was just looking for the video to show you what I meant and come across another one where someone from KORG says there's sync stuff that's a hidden feature and was added after the manuals were printed.

Basically, I need the Triangle LFO to keysync. The manual you show says it doesn't, but he talks about this stuff being added after the manuals were printed. I read earlier that it was added in an update, so maybe they got it wrong. Either way, the LFO has to be able to key-sync using the Triangle wave or it would be a bit too limited for my needs. If the LFO could be keysynced on Triangle, it would act as a second Attack/Decay that could be used independently of the main one. So, one for pitch, one for filter - rather than combined. You would be able to do this on the Volca Keys due to the keysync, but I'm not so sure with the Volca Bass.

Unfortunately, a square LFO would be completely useless for that.



While I'm still interested to see if the Bass can do what I wanted of it, it doesn't really matter now. I think I'll be able to squeeze what I want onto a single Axoloti. And even if I can't, I think I'd be better-off investing in a second Axoloti which I can tailor to my needs, and just feed one into the other.

So, not important now, although I'm still curious.