I was able to install 1.0.8 in opensuse leap 42.1. I am documenting it here in the hope that it is useful to others.
First install the following dependencies (note that some have different names than those in Ubuntu):
Some of these packages might be already installed in the system and some ask to install additional packages.
Then, open a console and type in the /home/user folder:
git clone https://github.com/axoloti/axoloti.git
cd axoloti
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd axoloti-contrib
git checkout master
cd ..
cd axoloti-factory
git checkout master
cd ..
cd platform_linux
kwrite build.sh
Now comment the lines of code in build.sh by adding a "#" at the start all the lines from 28 to 45, and from 148 to 157. I.e. all in between:
#case $OS in
This skips installing the packages listed earlier. There is a nicer way of doing this by identifying the Linux distribution and installing the dependencies with zypper, but that is for another day.
Save the build.sh file and execute:
To run the program, execute:
cd ..
I first built the package using 'sudo ./build' but then I had to change the ownership of all the folders and files from root to my user name, otherwise it would not compile patches.