Axoloti installed into M-Audio Code 61


It's a bit crude at the moment - But I've got a decent white powder coated backplane on it's way from Front Panel Express.

Powered directly from the Code's DC input (9V 1A DC wall wart), along with internal MIDI I/O routing, which will be bypassed with an external double pole toggle switch.

It's a great all-in-one solution with more than enough real-time control :wink:

Has anybody made any enclosures with built-in keyboards?

Wow that looks cool! Are you using the keyboard & controls to play the Axoloti as a synth or something?


Yes, the Axoloti is currently emulating most of an ARP Odyssey MkI - I'm still learning the basics, and at some point I'll have a go at creating my own objects (there's a few extra things I need).

I'm still blown away by the audio quality, especially for the price.


Very nice indeed. Good work.


Absolutely beautiful! Nice that there's actually space inside to mount the Axoloti, not that it takes up a lot of space, but one could imagine that there would be some internal component which would make it impossible.


Hello there,

Really nice build! I am looking to build something exactly like this!
How did you connect the midi keyboard to the axoloti without using the usb out?