Axoloti guitar pedal interface


Hello everyone,

last week i started my first Axoloti project, building a guitar pedal interface to interface with the rest of my rig.

It will consist of a couple of pots, switches and led's, controlled by a Teency with a lcd and encoder.
The teensy will be used for displaying patch-names, controller names and value's, and will be used for selecting patches and some small other features.

Currently i'm in the process of writing the software to connect the Axo with the Teency to display patch-names and selecting the patches, slow progress, but i'm getting there.

I am planning to update my progress here, and have the software and hardware schematics available for everyone to use.



Sounds like a realy good setup, can't wait to see some pics and details on your setup.:wink:


A small update on the project.

As always I try and do the hard things first, and currently I am working on the interface between the Axoloti and the Teensy LC.

I connected the LCD and a rotary encoder to the Teensy LC, and created a Axoloti patch and Teensy firmware to read the patch names from the patch bank saved on the Axoloti, and display them on the LCD. With the rotary encoder you can scroll through the patches, and then select them (next item on the list).

I created a short video demonstrating this:

Next up is loading a selected patch, and getting controller names and values for the patch.

For the controllers I already created a nice system for multiple banks of values, controlled by 1 single potentiometer. But more on that later.

When the project is a bit further ahead I will make the code available to you all.



Finally back on my guitar pedal, after a long time away.

The enclosure is roughed out, and everything test fits nicely.
The enclosure is made out out steel, something i will not do in the future, but hey, it didn't turn out that bad in the end, and the plus point is that it can take a beating when on my pedalboard.
