Axoloti and feedback to / initialization of external midi controllers


I've gotten my hands on a bcr2000, and I've created a nice patch with 26 midi cc parameters.

I've set up my patch with nice default settings.
Now when I map the bcr's controls to those parameters in absolute mode, all my controls on the bcr will be at 0, as I am currently only using midi output from bcr to Axoloti.
Plugging in another cable from Axoloti midi out to Bcr in is easy, but how do I get the Axoloti to "initialize" the bcr controls to the default settings as specified in the patch?


the bcr will certainly respond to midi messages as well, so simply send the right midi messages at the startup of the patch. there is a loadbang object in the community library that outputs a bang once the axoloti patch is up and running, you could use that to trigger the messages.



I've checked and the loadbang just generates a pulse at load time.

This would mean I'd have to create a Midi CC output object for each of my 26 parameters, specifiying the same value I have as default for that CC in my patch.
This seems like a nightmare when playing around with my patch to find a better "default"setting, having to duplicate the settings to 26 midi CC out objects every time...

Is there really no object that processes all mapped CC's and outputs them?


nope! think about it, this would be very hard to do, since there are so many possibilities for different controllers etc.

you could possibly write all your cc values to a table and save that to sdcard. then you can reload on startup, maybe someone has done this already... @SirSickSik or @jaffasplaffa maybe?


nope! think about it, this would be very hard to do, since there are so many possibilities for different controllers etc.

I don't see how the controller connected is relevant, all we want to do is send out midi CC's at initialization. Whoever processes them doesn't matter at all.

The Patcher knows which CC's are mapped by which control. so it shouldn't be hard to (at patch initialization) iterate over those controls and send out their set values to the midi channel specified by its owning patch?


hm, this would indeed be a very useful function, but I'm afraid I have no clue where to get that data from..
I could make a module that features the amount of knobs you need, that automatically sends all these CC at startup, but this would only be a work-around and all the modules being controlled should have inputs for these..


the objects from @rbrt are pretty cool for this!


i am actually using a table in my current synth project to store all CC and NRPN values, and then made new objects that read from that table and send to objets. you could do somethingg similar: as @lokki proposed, just continuously store the value of all CCs in a table, and then write a little object that just iterates through the whole table and sends every CC on startup. you'll also have to take care of reading/writing the table of course.