Anyone planning to make and sell an enclosure?


Yes, I could do, but bear in mind you would need to print the corners with a 3d printer, and cut the acrylic with a laser cutter. If you're OK with that, I will post the files for you and anyone else who's interested.


I have access to both so it shouldn't be a problem


OK, here you go!


This is obviously unfinished and will just be a temporary home for axo anyways, and maybe technically doesn't even count as an enclosure because well it's not closed. but i couldn't keep it to myself: i made this frontplate today for axo core, 4 pots, an oled and the max11300 chip with 20 3.5mm jacks.


Nice, but what do the jacks do ??


flexible CV and gate I/O via a MAX11300 chip, -5 to 5v or 0-10v for modular synth systems. looking good so far. you could realize a 4 track CV/Triggger sequencer, 4 LFOs, 4 externally triggered envelopes, at the same time. Plus stereo audio i/o for simultaneous synths or audio effects. or whatever else you wanna do. your imagination is ze limittttt. see this thread for details don't wanna derail this beautiful enclosure gallery..


my AXO3.
Made from Sony broadcasting cassette. 14 knobs, 4 switches, OLED display.


work in progress... I was thinking of printing this on request and release the stl files on thingiverse free of charge for those of you who have access to a 3d printer. The main idea was to have an enclosure which has a slit for jumper cable wiring. Open to any suggestions & feedback. cheers!


Looks amazing!! Would love a copy of the STLs to try on my printer. I have my first Axoloti incoming in the mail


looks good, i would personally want 4 pots on the top side, but i guess everybody can add those holes to the 3d file themselves.


I took your idea into consideration and came up with this...


Weasel, what method did you use for the graphics on the panel?

I like that matt texture, and it sort of looks as if it's been etched out, and if so, do you have a link to the panel material you used?

Never seen that matt-black finish on an etching board before, and I'm very curious what you used.


that's lasercutting. for this rough prototype i just grabbed some run of the mill yellow diy acrylic glass, 3mm, and spraypainted it with a matte black can. 4-5 quick layers iirc. you can see a lot of paint bubbles cause i didn't take care. anyways it's a dirt cheap solution, granted you have a local fablab/makerspace or own a lasercutter or cnc router yourself... but this cost me about 3 euro to make since it was all scrap parts. and you could technically try making coloured sections, gradients or even a full picture with the spray paint...

for fancier prototyping or even final diy-stuff there are some companies selling specialized coated lastercutting acrylic, for engraving/cutting. they have all kinds of matte/glossy, different color combinations, thicknesses etc. i used (EU based).
here is a test i made on one of their matte black with white infill, 1.6mm. there's other colors and different matte black options... and on a white infill like this one you also have the option to manually fill the engraving with different colors

the engraving sharpness can be optimised compared to this. and the white dust and dirt is sawdust cause it was laying around in my wood workshop..

and then here's another cheap diy solution: coated mdf sheets from home depot, the basic super cheap furniture back wall stuff. 3mm. has a nice organic feel to it still even if i wouldn't call this material real wood...


Wow, actually the bottom one you refer to as the cheap DIY solution looks absolutely brilliant; it looks like a proper aged vintage panel with that texture and colouring to it - very nice!

Will definitely look into the whole laser-cutting/engraving thing some more further down the line!


Hi, long time no see. I finally found a perfect solution to my Axo enclosure needs. A Behringer compressor with broken gain pot donated enclosure, PSU and audio connector board.


Here is IKELYS named after the long forgotten oniric goddess sister of Ikelos Phobator...
Ikelys, The goddess of weird dreams.


Awesome style! Official D&D synth?
What's the enclosure materials? also what happens when you listen the audio out (assuming it has one..)?


Hi !
I am preparing a new laminated wood enclosure with a size similar to the Korg modules of the Volca series.
Any suggestions are welcome.



How different is that dimensions wise? (I don't have a volca)

I like your cases:


Hi MattilynMattroe!!

The format factor of Korg Volca modules. 199 x 115 x 46 mm.
So it is possible to use the STAND available for Korg volca by the AXOLOTI user.

Looking at the pictures, I think I'm going to have to make a new RACK version prototype so you can have everything more ordered...
How many Axoloti do you use?