freedom of speech is important, but that does not mean it cannot be abused... and when its being used to marginalise/oppress others, that's an abuse.
bringing it back to the forum, and posting... its pretty simple though (as I see it...)
its not about if you, or I, think something is funny or not...
the question to ask yourself when posting is:
might this post, offend, intimidate or make someone feel unwelcome - which consequently might lead to them not posting, asking for help, entering discussion in the future ...
if it might, then don't post it.
remember, often when users see 'unacceptable posts', they wont retort/argue, they simply will just not visit the forum again - we don't want this.
(Jokes are fun, but they are also socially used to reinforce groups structures/dynamics, to be in a group, or outside... humour is used to mask the unacceptable)
so sure, I'm suggesting curtailing some users 'right' to make sexist/racists jokes/comments is a sacrifice worth making, if it might make other users feel more comfortable.
Id suggest its a bit of a leap, to claim the Axoloti forum is the last bastion of freedom of speech.
I certainly do not want to be a part of a community that allows some members to marginalise others. I want an open / inviting / inclusive community... and as a moderator, I believe this is what @Johannes also wants.
that said, its not my forum, it belongs to @Johannes , so he sets the rules, so if you disagree with my moderation take it up with him - and he will talk to me if necessary.
EDIT, also everyone please keep this civil, no name calling... that is also unacceptable here.
EDIT: edited to remove issues with context, due to post deletions.