Allpass-filter bug?


The Allpass filter seems to behave in a strange way:
when the knob is at (64) 1.000x I would expect that it would use the exact value of the 'delay' . However, it doesn't do anything . instead it gives a very loud 'click' when setting the value.

And I have a few questions about this module:
- what is the knob for? why is there a negative value possible for the delay?
- is the 'delay' in ms or samples?

Also a request smile
For a good reverb it is useful to modulate the allpass filters a little. Could we have an input on this module to change the delay-time ? (it reduces the metallic sound of short reverbs)


If I recall correctly it was modeled after
Delay time is in samples as this needs to be a whole number.
You can verify, when feeding it a sine wave, the output is also a sine wave of the same amplitude at all frequencies.


Unfortunately I don't understand the math.
So the delay setting is for the feedforward, and the knob parameter is the feedback? so only at a setting of -1.000 it actually is an allpass? (and at other setting some kind of comb-fllter )

Should it not be something like

float state = 0;
float c = 0.1;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i)
   output[i] = state + c * input[i];
   state = input[i] - c * output[i];

(I have no idea how to implement this in a module though).


The delay parameter is the delay time in samples. z^-M notates a delay line of M samples. Your code only has a single sample delay.
The feedback and feedforward are equal amounts, both controlled by the knob, to always obtain an allpass characteristic.


Is it possible to add delay time modulation to allpass by editing it in object editor?