with Akai Apc key25 is triggering notes only with the pads and no with the keys
Akai APC key25 - no note on/off from keys
USB Midi Controllers
I've moved you post, so it can be looked at,
Ive also now created a post about how we can 'troubleshoot' these issues..
yeah, that doesnt tell us much unfortunately, as your DAW is interpreting the messages, and then repackaging them.
(obviously DAW developer and Microsoft/Apple have alot more resources to test all controllers and sometimes work around issues)
anyway, this is why we need to know more about the RAW messages its actually sending....
the fact that you are getting notes from the pads, shows that the USB hosting is working... and that we are parsing the USB messages correctly, so the question is what is different, when the keys are sending the notes.
(note someone had a similar issue with an LPD8 yesterday, he updated the firmware, and it starting working fine, so definitely check that out, perhaps Akai had an 'issue' with their USB implementation)
i also have this problem with the current axoloti version. (1.0.11). if connected the akai apc key 25 and i only get note messages from the buttons, but not from the keys. here the screendump:
USB Host : device disconnected
USB Device Attached
PID: 27h
VID: 9E8h
Address (#1) assigned.
cfg desc: num interfaces 2
interface: interface 0, num 0, numep 0, class 1 , sub class 1
interface: interface 1, num 1, numep 2, class 1 , sub class 3
endpoint: interface 1, ep num 0, addr 1
endpoint: interface 1, ep num 1, addr 81
Product : APC Key 25
Serial Number : Ver00.10
Enumeration done.
This device has only 1 configuration.
Default configuration set.
Switching to Interface (#1)
Class : 1h
SubClass : 3h
Protocol : 0h
USB Host Output size requests : 40
USB Host Input size requests : 40
USB Host Output connected to 1 : 1
USB Host Input connected to 1 : 81
MID class started.
is there anything which can be done to get it working?
Could you verify with the midi/in/monitor
object that the note-events from the keys are not arriving on a different midi channel?
hi johannes,
good idea. yes, indeed, the keyboard notes are arriving on channel 1, whereas the buttons on channel 0. but then how do i set those midi in keyb note objects to a different midi channel without changing the object code?
the objects talk about "attr_midichannel". where do i set this?
Menu view->settings->Midi channel
made me realize the midi/in/monitor
shows midi channel numbers as 0-15 where it should be 1-16, fixed this...
thanks. but does this mean it'll affect all midi-in objects within the patch? how would i do it if it's just about 1 object?
Subpatches can be made to respond to a different channel:
Create a patch/patcher
object, click edit, menu view->settings, enable "has midi selector", go back to the parent patch, click update in the patch/patcher
object, and now you can select the midi channel of the sub-patch.
ooohh. amazing.
good to know about this.
and here the hacked object i was using... :)keyb ch.axo (1.8 KB)
keyboard midi channel input.axp (2.9 KB)
Just got a second hand Akai APC key25 for 35€.
Today, for most people it is a nasty Ableton controller for noobs. That means you can get it second hand for less than 40€ and brand new for less than 80€
For an Axoloti user on the move it is
- 57 back-lit buttons: the 5x8 matrix and all other buttons (excepted "sustain" and "oct down" and "oct down", all buttons send noteon and noteoff MIDI messages and also receive noteons to change the backlights off, green, red, yellow),
- 8 pots
- a two octave keyboard in a compact form.
Once you get - thanks to this thread - that the keyboard is on channel 2 and almost everything else on channel 1 it is great.