Adjusting screen/module size


Is there any way to make modules smaller in size? (I know not within the program, but perhaps some windows setting I don't know of?)
I've got a fairly big screen and the modules on the screen are just way bigger then I need them to be.
So if anyone knows whether it's possible to further reduce them in size after the display resolution setting is already set to the max, that would be really nice!


Edit: I see now you are looking for an external function hah. Odd that your objects are still too big. I have the opposite problem. Maybe try dual boot with Ubuntu Linux and install the patcher there?

You mean objects in the patcher? AFAIK this should have been possible with the V2 release (I remember some different graphic framework was used there so you could zoom in/out and change the font or so) but V2 is broken. There is no comparable function V1.