About the Software category


This category is for posts regarding the software of Axoloti, this includes the Axoloti patching GUI, Axoloti Objects (axo) and firmware. Please use the Patching category to discuss patching Axoloti.

Please read the FAQ at : http://www.axoloti.com/more-info/software-faq/

Axoloti's software can be considered in 4 parts
- Axoloti GUI, which we use to create the patches, that are sent to the axoloti board
- Firmware that runs on the Axoloti board, and provides features like USB support
- Axoloti Objects (axo) the object we create patches from.
- Patches, the user patches which connect together the axoloti objects in an infinite number of ways.

all these can be discussed here, except the last which has its own category smile