It's a 7 voice, 3 oscillator per-voice synthesizer. Oscillator 1 is a pulsewidth modulation oscillator, oscillator 2 is a square oscillator with optional sync input from oscillator 1, and oscillator 3 is an inaudible sine oscillator used for frequency modulating oscillator 2. The knobs are as follows, starting at the bottom right and going up:
- Envelope 1 attack, decay, sustain, and release
- Envelope 2 attack and release, filter frequency and resonance
- Oscillator 1 pulsewidth modulation with envelope 1, oscillator 2 pitch modulation with envelope 2, oscillator 2 frequency modulation with oscillator 3, oscillator 3 frequency
- Oscillator 1 pitch, oscillator 2 pitch, oscillator 1/2 crossfade, oscillator 2 sync on/off
This project has since been scrapped, but it was a fun first project with Axoloti.