So, my patch is here. I think it's easier for me to just drop here files you'll need exactly as I use them myself. I've made a Help patch with all explains you'll need to understand everything.
In this patch you'll see many k-filter lowpass. I really care about the clicking noise I can ear in most of object when you turn a dial. these filter is here to de-noise the knobs I feel that are important to de-noise.
Another things you have to know, if you play with the arpeggiator, the keyboard switch must be on OFF mode, because if it's not, the oscillator will recive the keyboard notes + the arpeggiator notes, so in one octave you'll have two...
It's a bit hard to understand if you don't know yet how a real Buchla Music Easel work. If you can find the plugin Buchla from Arturia, I think it's gonna be easier to start with it, and go back to this patch after understanding functions in the plugin.
Also I drop you my Arduino code, you'll need to download library "MIDIUSB" and "Adafruit_MPR121"
And take care about "int tresh = 1200" it's the treshold of my touch plates, octave switch and last key for my touch sensitiv keyboard. they are soldered directly to touchpins input of the Teensy 3.2 it can be a different value if you use another metal or dimensions etc... Try with the serial monitor before to see the best number for your treshold when you touch and don't touch your key or plate.
So, here is the files :
buchla_easel.axh (6.7 KB)
Easelcommunity.axp (56.2 KB)
ComplxBuchla.axs (4.6 KB)
And arduino :!t4tGmIgQ!2P_UQ9ltYP6IZpanRWHflA
Hope this months of work gonna be fun for you too.
Happy to share this project with this great community