A new 3d test with Axoloti on vector monitor. It's a 3d icosphere with x y z rotation, trace effect and LFO. The patch reads 3 tables containing the x y z data of the vertices of the 3d model. Thanks to @rbrt for the great Imangle object that allows the trace effect.
3d object on vector monitor
I use obj files created in blender. I copy the vertices and face values from the file in a spreadsheet and with some math I create the arrays for the tables. For complex shapes it is difficult to find the right order of the vertices to create a shape without glitches. Another method is to use OsciStudio software and copy the values from the project file.
I know it's not like a real oscilloscope ... but you could use this software x y oscilloscope from the author of OsciStudio https://asdfg.me/osci/
If you have an audio in on your computer you can try to route the axoloti output into the software (not tried myself).
Here is an other patch I made but without the tables. Try it out http://www.akirasrebirth.com/2016/11/axoloti-as-oscillo-sample-player.html
This rules! I've been meaning to dig into oscistudio, but it'd be great to have a self-contained MIDI controlled video generator w/ axoloti. Very cool project!