Wishlist of objects


I guess it should be better to achieve something on low level at first. For example there is rfft object, but you can use it only as display for now, you can't get data from it.
Also from pd fft~ help:

The real FFT outputs N/2+1 real parts and N/2-1 imaginary parts. The other outputs are zero. At DC and at the Nyquist there is no imaginary part, but the second through Nth output is as a real and imaginary pair, which can be thought of as the cosine and sin component strengths.

So for pvoc stuff there should be rfft~ and rifft~ equivalents available.


not so easy, these rely on block~ (or switch~) for overlap/add... Also hard to do in real time with low latency.
The rfft 128 object computes the fft in a separate thread, no warranted to be in sync.

FFT Morph Possible?

A triangle shape lfo object would be great eventually. I know we can patch one with saw lfos, math/abs and scaling/shifting but a dedicated object would be much more handy and surely more economic for our little dsp. :wink:


Channel pressure and poly pressure (internal & normal) outputs for midi (i.e. aftertouch)


It would be great to have midi learn, for example when selecting a midi CC click learn then activate control on connected midi hardware and it maps automatically to the parameter.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: (Internally) outputting polyphonic aftertouch supported?


implemented and pushed - this will be in the next release.


Sounds like next release is going to be a game changer. A lot of new functions.

Looking much forward :smile:


would really love a limiter for the end of the signal chain!


More div obejcts. A math/div object that divides two inputs. Also a math/divc that divides input by a constant.



table/read i , table/write i.
(Reason: I want to store numbers which are indexes to other tables.)


A midi assignable version of ctrl/i. This object is really simple, small and uber awesome. I use a lot of them in all my patches and would definatly LOVE a version of it that is midi assignable. As it is now, you can only control it using presets.


I think this might have been mentioned before, but colours for objects would be awesome :smile:


Windows functions:

Would be really awesome with some extra windows functions for granular stuff:




I guess we have Hanning already as plain math/window object

edit: oops i mixed up Hann and Hamming


Yes Hanning is pretty nice. I would really like to try the others to see what they offer. I looked in the code of the object to see if it was something that would be easy to code yourself. But I am not sure that it can be done by editing the object alone. Probably some java editing needs to be done too.

@johannes can for a hamming window be implemented into an object by editing the objects code alone or is java coding also necessary for this? Just want to know if it is something that I could do on my own, like basic object editing or if it is more complicated. When it comes to Java i am off. Yet too much noob for that. But masic object editing I can do :smile:


Hamming versus Hanning, it's just a bit more "raised", Hamming can be transformed into Hanning with offset and scaling, and I don't think it will make a huge difference for granular. Window functions can be fully implemented in an object, but I suggest not to underestimate the complexity, it's not because it is not java that it's going to be any easier!


Ooooh, oooh, a pitch detection pretty please... Though I'm afraid the STM won't be able to handle that...


Sure it will, but there are many different pitch detection algo's.
@Joren did some work on the Yin algo, but I don't know how "ready for consumption" it is: https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/creating-new-objects-guidlines-for-operations-on-large-buffers/192/8