yeah, sorry, I didn't meant to suggest this was not necessary, or that axoloti was 'correct as is'
perhaps sometimes my posts come across as defensive, which is not the intention.
(Ive no need to defend, its not usually my design/implementation)
my posts are more, about 'this is whats currently available', or to provide an insight into why things might be as they currently are... none of this is to say it cant/wont change...
this is probably my mistake, as frankly, I love to know how stuff works, and why its been done the way it has... and often forget, that many are not interested in this... they just want it to do what they need it to do
(which is understandable)
... and of course, being an (amateur) musician myself , I also know, when making music, i want to deal in musical terms , and the technicalities can get distracting!
anyway with that all said, let me give you a couple of other 'tidbits'
frequency dial
... as you can perhaps see from the discussion, the dial is not the issue at all... what your real request is, is for a frequency input on objects (as well as pitch)
you can actually make your own freq/pitch dial very easily
grab a dial/p , embed object, then go to the parameter page, and change the type to (or similar)
... but as i said, that doesn't solve your problem
let me also answer your first question...
this could be rephrases as why do we have -64 to 64...
well this comes from real modulars, and CV, which use -5v to 5v...
imagine this as -64 to 64v and then axoloti basically works the same... where the voltage translation on an input, is done by the receiving module.
i.e. in a real modular 0v only means C3 when applied to a 1v/oct input, when its applied to a decay modulation input, it might mean 3 seconds...
why do we use -64 to 64/0 to 64... well this comes from the Nord G2, its done like this, so that it maps 'easily' and visibly to midi (0..127) , its not limited by midi, but makes 'detents' obvious.
sure not great for user input, but its amazingly flexible.
(and of course in a virtual world, we have the option to try to be a bit better than a real modular)
also one thing to take care on...
when you do these translations of 'voltage' to 'user value' in axoloti we usually do this in the UI layer, i.e. the java code, so that it doesn't take precious resources away from the limited processing power on the STM chip on the axoloti...
the DSP processing power you want to be used for audio processing, not translating values for the user, which the axoloti board does not need to use.... this is just a waste of resources, where resources are at a premium. (your desktop has plenty of power to spare)
what does this mean? well really if the user wants to see frequencies instead of notes then ideally this is done in the java/UI code.
BUT this is not that 'straightforward', since one is a linear scale, and the other is exponential , so might feel a bit 'odd'
anyway, as I say, not meant as an 'excuse' or defence, or to say things are subject to change...
axoloti is actively being developed, so is always in a state of flux...
but hopefully this gives an insight into where its at, why its like it is for now.
but your points are clear for future developments.