What's a table and what's a gate


Could someone please clarify what a table is? It keeps coming up in discussions regarding sequencing, and I understand it's something like an array? Is this kind of thing documented somewhere?

I'm also not 100% clear on what a gate is?


A table is a place in the memory of the Axoloti where you can store data.

  • You can create a table by using one of the table/alloc objects.
  • You can write data to a table with one of the table/write or table/record objects. Can be any type of data since there are different table/write objects. You can store audio in it (red lines) for instance to create delays, or "control voltages" (blue lines) to create automation/sequences.
  • And there are also table/read and table/play objects where you can read the data stored in the table and play it back again.

A gate is a term coming from the analog synthesizer world, typically note on/off, and is used for sequencing. Wikipedia has a great article about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CV/gate