Wave/play and patch switching causes crash


I'm loving the axoloti - my live rig is now pretty much based around it, using a bank tables and buttons to scroll through pre-designed patches.

However, I'm having an issue around the wave/play objects. When I switch away from a patch that has played a .wav from the SD card, the axoloti crashes. I've had to rescue this by cycling power. The funny thing is, as long as no sample has been played in the patch (i.e. if the triggers have been muted), the switch occurs fine, but it crashes even if the samples playing have all finished.

Can anyone explain further to me what this might be about? Does anyone else have the same problem, and if so is there a workaround?


Yes, this is a known bug. If you want to test it, just load any patch with the wave/play object, go live and then go unlive again.. And now Axoloti WILL loose connection and you would have to reconnect it again. I am pretty sure this is the problem you are having.

Sorry I am not able to tell you why this happens. I think several people have tried implementing wav players, but with same outcome; Axoloti disconnects when the patch is made "unlive". So i dont know any work arounds to solve this. I guess we just have to wait for maybe @johannes to revisit the wave/play object.


OK, cool. if I load samples to tables instead and then use table/play will that work?


Yep, I am pretty sure it will work with tables :wink:


wave/play ... is for streaming files from sdcard. The advantage is that there is no length limit, but it's not very flexible, can't adjust speed or play in reverse etc.
Release 1.0.12 (available now) fixes issues related to wave/play ....


Thanks! Although I synced library this morning and got 1.0.11 - am I doing something wrong?


You'll need to download and install release 1.0.12