Vocal emulation


Sounds good, but where are your objects?
I just synced libraries, but can't see your speech objects under toneburst.


I haven't uploaded them. They're basically working, but I got pulled into other projects, and never released them.

I will get back to them and release them soon.



Really looking forward to playing with those when they arrive then!

Having objects that do the Pink Tombone and BitSpeek thing would be very nice to have, wow, especially with all the modulation techniques available to us in Axoloti.

Such objects would result in some seriously cool stuff :sunglasses:


This is the kind of thing my LPC objects can do:

Note: it's not equivalent to Bitspeek, as it doesn't operate in realtime on arbitrary audio input. It reads speech data from ripped TI Speak & Spell ROMs, but applies circuit-bending techniques to the data stream before it's resythesised.



Sounds like it's something more suited to building speech systems than being a completed one. I could hear the Speak & Spell effect in it though.

BTW, I wanted to point out, on that Pink Trombone thing, if you change the shape of something and keep the left mouse button held down while clicking the right mouse button, you can lock a deformation in place. That means you can input more than one deformation.

Haven't got a clue how to remove them though!


Giulio ported to Bela, and so to C++

C++ code is here.

however, he does say this was just a quick port from JS, so its pretty CPU intensive (though better than the JS :wink: ) ... and Bela has a lot more resources than Axoloti, but still might he fun if it was cut down a bit.





It will be great!!! They sounds amazing :slight_smile:


Hey, talking of Speak & Spell, check this out, it's just been released, pretty damn cool :sunglasses:
Has eight different voice playback engines as well, wow!


I saw that. I have one one the way to me right now, actually :slight_smile:

I'd love to be able to implement the recording and LPC analysis in an Axoloti object. One day I'll get around to working on this in earnest.



Had a lot of fun with the original link, looks like the js is non-scrambled and available here: https://github.com/evykassirer/pink-trombone/blob/master/index.html - though it's 2000-ish lines including the animation, so a bit to go through if someone wants to have a look. Perhaps the C++ might be easier at this point.