Velocity-sensitive polyphonic synth


Hi, I'm new to Axoloti and I'm interested in using it for synth.

To get started I have tried the demo synths and tried to make my own modifications on some of them. I've noticed that none of the are velocity sensitive, so I tried to make velocity sensitive variations of them. Seems pretty easy for a monophonic synth - but how can I make a polysynth velocity sensitive? With the approaches I have tried until now, the problem is that every new note sets the velocity of the notes that are already playing.


velocity from midi in hooked up to a vca is the trick i apply :slight_smile:


Yes, that was what I did with a copy of the 'dreamy' demo patch, but it didn't work well. Anyway now I've realized that I probably have to do it in the subpatch, not in the main path. So I tried that, but now there's no velocity sensitivity at all.dreamy3.axp (7.5 KB)


Now it suddenly works. Don't know why it didn't work in the first place - probably the subpatch somehow wasn't updated on the board.