Updating posted patches


I have a question:
Is it the best conduct to update patches in the first post of the created topic with the new version of the file?
or just add newer versions at the bottom of the post?

I thought, for clarity, to update the first post is better.

adding the date/time of the update in the post
the patch name must include the version number. (exp: rcd001)

are unused (replaced) files deleted or do they stay on your server indefinitly?
you will end up with a lot of files smile , they are very small, but still.


Id always reserve the top post for the latest version... and yeah, include a 'change history' of date/time.

try to delete the previous version, and let me know, and I'll check to see if it also deleted on the discourse server.
(Im not sure either, as discourse allows versioning of posts.. but perhaps not attachments)

I'll do a test smile

it may be at some point, we move to a patch/object database, but lets see how many contributions we get etc.


how do i delete the file?
i removed the link on my other post and added a new upload.


k, it appears each upload is given a unique hash, and orphaned files are periodically deleted (once a day).

so yes, definitely better to remove old patches, and replace with new ones, as this will also keep the number of files help on discourse to manageable levels.

(btw, we cannot tell files apart on the server, as they get 'random' names, though extension stays the same, you can only track the name thru the topic)


so if i remove the link the file gets orphaned?