Understanding Axoloti signals


Hi guys! I becamed the proud owner of an Axoloti since few days and since my approach is coming from my analog modular experience, I have to admit I still have to understand how to make it work properly.
till now I understood that red is audio
blue is "cv"
yellow is trigger

what about the green?

let's go on the specific...
I wanted to test the wave shaper recently uploaded by SirSickSic
but I'm not able to make it work....?

I'm trying a basic patch: 1 sine osc going to the shaper then to a vca to stereo out
my setup is an Axoloti + axocontrol board + beatstep

I feel a bit mongoloid but this is why the forum exist....:stuck_out_tongue:


Welcome aboard. Sorry I havent played with thatobjects and I dont have the nous to ansawer this off the top of my head.

you dont need to apologize for newbie questions . that is what the forum is for. Stick in there and you'll be bringing home the bacon pretty soon.


Green is like CV but for whole numbers : 0, 1, 2,... also negative numbers are possible, but not fractions like 3.14. There is no strict equivalent in analog modulars.

An analog modular step sequencer would be driven by a clock, and output CV.
In Axoloti, a step sequencer is separated into a counter, that outputs position/index driven by a clock, and then something that resolves index into "cv" or gate. That allows a lot more flexibility than a hardware step sequencer in the analog cv/gate world.

And sure, newbie questions & answers are welcome here!


Generally it's useful to post your patch or a screenshot so people can help. :slight_smile:


Does the same setup work when you skip the waveshaper? If not then perhaps you're not opening the VCA properly. I'm not familiar with this waveshaper object, does it require any other control type of input?

By the way, the way you're using the term mongoloid there is offensive, potentially in multiple ways. I realise English may not be your first language so I'm just pointing this out.


Hi again....actually with a simple patch sine osc + vca works
I still dont have clear what kind of signal i shouls send to min
but looks like is fundamental....
yep my mother language is not english....I hope the use of the word mongoloid didn't offended anybody....
it was just to mean that I felt like limited in the use of this device....limited by my lack of knowledge.....
again a screenshot is probably really usefull
I will try again and post a pix soon......

ps: I already love this forum....:slight_smile:


so looks like is kind of working, but is this the correct use of the waveshaper?


You can get some hints by clicking the small triangle and going to "edit object definition", in there look at the Inlets section. Those green inlets are for integers, try connecting const/i objects etc.


maybe I should be more specific
in case I wanna try to reach a classic Buchla timbre effect applied to a sine, what would be an ideal setting with this wave shaper?


No. Looking at SirSickSik's thread it's not an "analogue style" waveshaper designed for sine input. Its input is for phase, so you need to connect a phasor to its input.

Also, you have blue CV connected to a green inlet. I'm not sure this object does what you think it does. I believe it is for generating part of a harmonic series for additive synthesis purposes.