Timecode vinyl decoding / Scratch to CV interface


The idea of using time-code vinyl together with the modular synth has been in my head for some time and axoloty looks like the perfect solution to it...

I was dreaming to decode the vinyl in the next signals:

CV/Gate signals:
Forward Gate.
Backward Gate.
Acceleration CV.
Speed CV. (maybe volt/oct)

Audio: (Not sure about this part)
Samples from SD card or RAM (either looped or one shot long sample/song)
Wave table style VCO with different shapes etc in the different tracks

I was reading about how time-code works but have no experience with the different proprietary formats etc.
Any hints or advices?


For audio you could connect forward and backwards to the position input of a table/play object. But I guess that is kind of the same that you suggest with wavetable. That would give you control over the position, but unfortunaly not play the table in forward/reverse. That I dont know how to do yet, but I think it is possible..

That would be real fun imo :wink:


maybe check "vinylcontrol" (timecoder.c)