Timbreizer Wave shaper module


Hello, I would like to introduce to you a module i have come up with, called the "Timbreizer wave shaper"
It is a wave shaper capable of changing the waves fed into it into things that are very dissimilar to the original input. With it, you can shape the wave in real time, in new and creative ways, adjusting rises, slopes, etc, and in doing so, adjusting the harmonic content. It will work on virtually any wave form, even sine waves, adding rich harmonic timbres previously not present.

Timbreizer.axs (6.6 KB)

Additionally, interesting things can happen via the Gain knobs. The first gain stage can invert the wave form, as can the second. The wave form will come out slightly differently depending on the input output polarity inversion applied, or not applied.


Timbreizer update, Timbreizer 2.0
I have discovered a few bugs in the previous timbreizer which effected accuracy and ability to controll wave shape. I have also added some new features which give even more controll over the shape of the wave then before. it is now essentially possible to create most any wave shape from most any other wave shape. For some reason, the original one was more effective when used with saw waves, so i am keeping it up as well, until i can figure out why that is.

New features:
1: Slope "shapes" for angle 1 and 2. These do not always "shape" depending on what the other knobs are set to, they may behave differently.

2: Slope angle: This causes a change in the angles of the slopes. As with the "shapers" it may behave unexpectly depending on what other knobs are set to.

Overall, this new version brings a much greater versatility to wave shaping, and a more stable and repeatable outcome, along with the ability to produce much more harmonically complex wave shapes.Timbreizer.axs (10.7 KB)


I am wondering if the techniques used in this setup could be translated into creating wavetables internally in Axoloti? Going to play with it later. Thanks :wink:


ok cant wait to see the results!


I am kind of thinking something like this that @timvets created in Pure Data.

He mentioned it might be possible to make it in Axoloti. Would be really awesome to have a "real time" wavetable creator :smile: