Objects tiar/dist/DP inv2
try the help patch, in the editor menu bar, clic Help -> Library -> Community -> tiar ->dist -> DP inv2
and Help -> Library -> Community -> tiar ->dist -> DP inv2 and PM
This distortion is inspired by electronic circuits that use polarisation points of non linear components.
Here, I use an hyperbolic function "polarised" around 1 with a controllable "factor" (that controls the non linearities):
Low factor => almost linear, nice for modelling old amps:
Mid factor => nice dissymetric distortion

High factor => pulsy, level detector distortion

note: all graphs plotted on Wolfram Alpha
Note that gain and range are automatically modified so that this distortion takes a full range signal and outputs a full range signal. It makes it convenient when used with sine generators and Phase Modulation to add a somewhat "analog" color.
try Help -> Library -> Community -> tiar ->dist -> DP inv2 and PM
Tech note:
This distortion is antialiased by differentiation, much like the good old DP (differentiated polynomials).
Next step:
generalisation of the differentiation method to rational functions. Very nice distortions can be done with these.