Object: tiar/dist/SyncAlias
try menu: Help -> Library -> Community -> tiar -> dist -> SyncAlias
"8bit" sounds with a "sync touch".
I'm sort of an Anti Aliasing freak, it is quite an obsession since I bought my first synth, a Roland D5.
SyncAlias is quite special.
It is anti aliased so that it does not alias with the 24kHz Nyquist frequency specific to the axoloti.
But it is designed to simulate aliasing at rates below 24kHz, so that one can simulate old digital synths.
The resampling frequency can be modulated with the pitch slave and pitch master inlets.
If the pitch master is related to the pitch of the input signal, you will get consonant results. The pitch slave allowing sync sweeps. This is the case with the help patch.
Detuning the master pitch from the pitch of the input signal creates a dissonant sound (end of the test track). Typical low fi aliasing...