Hi, @TheSlowGrowth
Some time ago, i coded a small "helper" object that helps to make Schroeder feedback/feedforward noodles with limited headache. (i used it for "chorusing" delays)
It's in community/tiar/fx/APNoodle
It has two inlets and two outlets:
inlets outlets
from delay (v) ------------- + ----> (y) output
| ^
| |
*+g *-g
| |
V |
input (x) ---- + -------------> (u) to delay
which can be seen as:
/-----------< * g <----------\ Feedback
| |
V |
(x)---- + ----->(u) (v)----- + -->(y)
| ^
| |
\----------> * -g >----------/ Feedforward
u and v have to be connected to an external delay line:
/--------------- *+g --------------\
| |
V implicit |
(x)---- + --->(u) -> Z-16 -> delay -> (v)----- + -->(y)
| delay ^
| |
\--------------- *-g ---------------/
In the editor it looks like:
Note that there is an implicit 16 sample delay in the feedback. That's mainly why i failed to implement proper all passes with objects.
Maybe you can use APNoodle to experiment with nested all passes before hardcoding and optimizing
/-------------------- *+g --------------------\
| |
V implicit nested |
(x)---- + --->(u) -> Z-16 -> delay -> allpass -> (v)----- + -->(y)
| ^
| |
\--------------------- *-g --------------------/