The19thbears noob questions


Instead of polluting the forum with all my questions, im going to make one thread for this:

Note hold/priority:
A monophonic patch. Midi/in/Keyb note out connected to an osc. Osc out audio out:

I play a note. Hold that note and then press a higher note. I can hear the pitch going to the higher note. I then let go of the higher note and then it stays there. Not going back to the lower note that is still being held.

How do i make it go back again? Kind of hard to explain:)
And how do i define low note/high note priority?


Another question:

If i use the filter/vcf patch, and turn res to max i get garbled noise, not self osc. Is this a problem with the patch itself, or is there something i am misunderstanding? It might be internal overload? The vcf x2 (oversampled) i get really bad aliasing (or something like that), it seems that this patch has a bug in it? or am i misunderstanding the use of filters on the Axoloti?
This is just just with a normal osc as input, and the output goes straigh to audio out.

Also. How can i make my own 24 db filter?


please, put questions etc, in a separate topics, with a relevant title,
this way other users with similar questions might find it.

also please use the search function:
.. even if it does supply the exact answer, it may be you can continue that thread, or at least link to it.

no one likes having to answer the same questions again, and again from every new users :smile:

no idea, but I guess if you push the resonance too far, it might amplify the frequency to a point of distortion.

you should be able to find the maths behind this on the internet, and probably an implementation,
then you need to covert this into 'axoloti speak' :smile:



You can make your own 24 db filter by chaining up two 12 db filters, and connect dials to BOTH filters cut off and resonance and use those to adjust the filter.


Sure. Will do from now on. But thanks for the answers so far:)


Use "midi/in/keyb zone lru". Low note/high note priority is currently unimplemented, but will add that soon.


Thank you Johannes!!