Phew, how to keep this short?
I am not a programmer and only a tiny bit of an electronics whiz but am quite experienced in coming up with hardware concepts and building them. I have a particular instrument in mind of which the separate elements already exist in other forms but which are not integrated into 1 solution yet.
Basically I have been looking / hoping for a system like Axoloti for some time. To me it seems the best of both worlds. Hardware based enough to be directly integrated into ergonomic hardware solutions, software based enough to be almost completely open ended, accessible enough to be usable to non-software-specialists like me.
What I basically have mind is building an instrument that can use normals sound, say WAV´s, and then ¨mangle¨ them in any way possible via a physical modeling environment. The shortest description would be to see it as a 3 step system.
1 – A driver section based on sample input and processing or treatment , preferably a full additive re-synthesis system but since that is difficult to implement (Only the Alchemy VST seems to go the whole route) a granular sample treatment will be a very reasonable alternative (and if I am correct I have already seen such an environment in Axoloti)
2 – A physical modeling resonator section to superimpose real time expression onto the drivers created in section 1.
3 – Not totally necessary but preferably still: A conventional subtractive section to further shape envelopes, add LFO modulations, do some filter finetuning, etc.
For a general impression of I what direction I am thinking see:
The biggest disadvantage of Kaivo is however is that it is ¨just¨ a VST and I hate the lack of security, hassle and instability of general computer platforms. So basically what I am looking of is a sort of Hardware Kaivo. Other examples would be the Roland V-synth or the ultra rare Technos Acxel (but both then with physical modeling options added), or the Technics WSA1 (but with user sample input added).
I get the impression Axoloti could just be the ticket for me in this particular quest but also for many other ventures. I do however have some remaining questions at this moment.
- How many direct hardware controllers inputs does 1 Axoloti provide? 16?
- 16 would be a bit too few for a really ergonomic user interface. Is there in tat case a solution to interconnect more then 1 Axoloti? Or is an input expander possible?
- Which MIDI controllers are supported?
- Very important for me personally: Can it process polyphonic aftertouch?
- What are the present possibilities for physical (resonator) modeling?
- If there aren´t any yet: Are there community members who would be prepared to develop the coding for such building blocks/ facilities? The above instrument concept is of course rather specific but I am sure that any such additions would also benefit many other users.
If most of my questions can be answered positive Axoloti is probably exactly the holy grail I have been waiting for.
This is all very exiting so I hope you guys like my idea's!
Marc Brassé