Tap Tempo Reliability Issues


So I have my current patch set up like this for some guitar effects:

effects2.axp (52.6 KB)

Im having fun with the delays being just momentary (actually I think I updated this at home with a reverb before the delays to make it more washy since this delay the repeats stay very defined) but my issue is with the Tap Tempo. I have it set up to use my Akai MPK Mini momentary pad as the tap source but its very wonky. It tends to speed its self up, then slow back down on the taps and not really stay in time. I have better luck hooked to a computer and clicking the tap button so I'm thinking it could have to do with the velocity of the pad?

My other thought was that, as you can see I have the same tap clock set up for my Whammy random trigger (with a different clock multiply) that works exactly as it should, so I'm thinking something could be off in the Clock2Timing object going into the delay?

Any thoughts on what could be causing the issue?

I was using TSG/fx/tapedelay originally but that was getting much crazier and harder to control (while still not really staying in time...hard to explain it was like swooping the delay time and redelaying that swoop to the taps) but I'm thinking I could maybe mod the cpwitz delay to copy the clock input from the TSG one so I could have a clock input rather than Hz to be more reliable?


Was able to get things working correctly - helps when I follow @SirSickSik instructions and use the logic change between the clock out and the trig in. Also had to disconnect the rate knob inside the delay as I was running into the problem of them summing together (ie: the Clock was being added to the rate which was throwing it off the tap tempo)

Still a little wonky when the tap tempo was set to 1/1 on the mul/div...weirdly works well, though a bit fast with the clockmul set to 12 then a div/2 after (tried just the clockmul at 6 but wasnt quite as good). Added the a/b on the div and a second a/b for mul/2 so that I can do 2x and 4x speed which jumps it an octave each which is really cool. Heard someone using a Lexicon Primetime in their guitar rig using the multiply knob to do stuff like that so its going to be a lot of fun to play with

Next step is getting my axo into a case with some foot switches I can use for tempo and stuff...never really got the hang of doing tempo with my hand tapping haha

EDIT: I'll attach the patch too if anyones interested...has quite a bit set up for guitar and controls mapped to work on one program on an Akai MPK Mini

effects2.axp (70.2 KB)

Right now its going: Freeze -> Tremolo -> Bit Crusher/Sample Rate Reducer -> two parallel delays that have a bit of reverb available after them (nice to get washier delay oscillations rather than defined notes) -> Flanger (set to goey with a bit of a boost after to bring up the volume) -> two kill switched (one mapped to a Momentary button and one mapped to a latching button).

Question: I added the latching kill switch as I seem to be getting a lot of hum/noise/interference when I am playing in the studio on bigger amps...seems to happen on pretty much any patch I use, anyone else experiencing this? Could just be cheap cables or something but I only started noticing it once I started bringing my axo out with my pedal board

Oh, and the top row of things, besides the patch switcher, is midi pgrm change out to a DigiTech Whammy 5 - first is tap tempo for the sequencer (see my thread on making this) that will run through whammy on changes getting a cool glitch effect (with on/off as constantly sends the off signal when its not running and makes the whammy not work) the other two are just quick jumps to whammy +1 octave and -1 octave (both keep the whammy off when changing) so you can access those without bending to change the knob manually since I use those two options most


this should be fixable


I believe you helped me get it running the way it is now (thanks!) and I tried a few things trying to get it to work correctly but kept just finding different ways to set it up how it is now haha

Here is how it is set up now:

The program change that shuts the whammy off after the sequence is 22 - outlined in red which is doing it. It seems that as long as the clock is sending a signal in that its either playing the sequence or sending the stop. I can't remember what all I tried but it was a few days of messing with it before finally deciding that I dont mind just having to turn it on since it's not something I use a lot haha


ok, how do you stop the sequence? it was the last step if the sequencer that did it right? how do you then restart a sequence? i think the way to go would be to stop the clock as well. i can maybe have a look at it later...


Yeah, right now the last trigger, Bit7, sends the trigger to the toggle that disconnects the clock from the sequence and then the trigger inlet leads to the same toggle that sends the clock back to it when I want to use it again.

I tried putting the whammy off change as bit7 thinking that would do it but I was finding that most of the time the sequence was stopping at a random change leaving me sometimes on random settings. I couldn't get it to reliably stop on the off command with the sequencer on random I don't think which is why I have the clock going to the separate off command when its not going to the sequencer

Right now I just have a toggle that cuts the clock from going into the object which makes me able to use the whammy as normal. The tap tempo clock im using (same as the one for the delays but different multiplier) does not have an off option I can trigger