Table/wave-play (start/stop)



when a sample is triggered on a table/play-object twice or more times in a row, only the first trigger is played.. when I want to have a re-trigger, I have to use the stop-inlet on it, am I right???

If so.. then how does this work?.. i mean.. i have my MIDI/Clock controlled sequence that triggers the play-object.. how do I make it timetravel to the future an tell it, hey stop your playback.. so the new trigger on the next step would be played (?)


how are you triggering the start?

I think you should send a pulse into start, then it will re-trigger - no?


Hi, I have tried but with no result.

in my syb-tach I have:

the triggerOut-Outlet is wired to the table/play-object's start-inlet

Do i have to convert it somehow to a pulse? what is the difference between a trigger and a pulse?


a trig is usually just a rising edge, a pulse indicates it rises and then 'quickly falls'... (quickly, at best means 1 k-rate cycle)
imagine the following

what does this do?
at first glance it might appear to keep triggering the wave, but it wont it will play once when first started.
the reason is, sel goes high, on first step, and then stays high, it never goes low, so the play doesnt see a rising edge again.

how to convert... hmm, Id used an xor, with the output feeding back into the other input.. this will mean it will reset the next k-rate cycle, its binary, so presumably efficient... not sure if there is another way, perhaps theres another object.



I have run into the same problem when patching a step sequencer. I think you could double the size of the table and double the frequency of the clock that's driving it and use only uneven numbers for step triggers leaving a rest at the uneven numbers. That way you get your rising edge with each step.

I tried the xor but it didnt work, it only makes a high annoying tone.


oops, yeah, your right... teach me for testing it with a counter and not a sample :slight_smile:
(its causing a tone, since the sel is staying high, so its alternating high/low)

how about just running the sel in to "and" with the clock...
this should work as it resets on the low cycle of the square wave.


not sure if the OP has a suitable clock to do this with....


Thanks for the explaination :slight_smile: .. it works fine with AND .. after I have wired some disp-objects to the clock and trigger/counter-outlets I understand :slight_smile:

many thanks :slight_smile:


I am not getting this to work with a clock pulse derived from midi clock:

LFO square works perfectly but the midi clock trigger doesn't work somehow. Any Ideas?

P.S. Generally speaking I this more often that the triggers from midi clock where somewhat unreliable or didnt work...


Any Ideas anyone? @thetechnobear maybe? your help would be highly apprecciated :slight_smile:


with basic objects, it works as expected here:

sorry, I don't have the time to look at what rbrt's object does, perhaps its behaving differently to sel?

the basics of the technique i show is that sel, just outputs 'levels' so in my example above, for steps 1 to 3, it just stays at 1, so if you want to trigger something per step, you need to lower its state to zero after each step, given your pulse input from a clock does this, and'ing is the easy way to achieve this.


Thx a lot for you effort! I rebuild this from scratch, first tried it with table/write and now it actually works also with rtbrt's step toggle. I don't know what was wrong in the first place.

I realised that I made a mistake with setting the const/i for the step toggles. I was numbering them
1 2 3 4
instead of
0 1 2 3
so I was always missing out one step, maybe this is why I thought it wouldn't work.

Anyways it works, so thanks again for looking into this and helping me :slight_smile: