Table/read for regular sampling not wavetables



I was playing around with loading regular samples into a table/read and playing them them back but came across an issue regarding playback speed and pitch. Using table/read is good for wavetables, like on the picture I have posted... But this set up does not work very well for regular longer samples, cause pitch and speed are both being controlled by the phasor oscillator. Position works fine on longer samples too, but the pitch and speed would be really nice to use independent of each other.

Sooo.... is there a way to make speed and pitch independent of each other when using table/read or table/Read interp?

Thanks :wink:


Is what you want to achieve time-stretching (changing the speed of a sound without changing its pitch)?
maybe have a look at the Library>tutorials "23_stretcher" example?
I haven't tried it though, and I seem to remember that the wave/flashread 808 samples it uses have now been removed...


Thanks @timvets

I just tried that one and it is pretty fun. But I stil dont think speed and pitch is independent. Only way I found out how to do that is by using table play pitch. That gives you independent pitch and position. But that one also needs a start signal which(most of the times) creates audible clicks, even with .raw files. But I am sure there is a way around the clicks and I was hoping using the regular table objects would remove them. But not sure if what I am trying to do here is possible to do with the table/read object.


to avoid clicks you can make two windows that you cross-fade between.
i.e. each of the windows fades in-and-out, see also math/window and 22_overlap_add_shifter


Nice :smile: Will test it. Thanks :wink: