there are some new modules again
-multiType: 16 different filters in 1 module. 4 types, each with 4 modes
type1=normal filters based on cascaded 6dB filters without resonance. Res knob controls cascading/filter mode (HP/LP)
type2=SVF filters
type3=Biquad filters
type4= my own custom filters
for type1 counts:
1=cascadable 6dB LP filters. from 0dB slope up to 48dB
2=cascadable 6dB HP filters. from 0dB slope up to 48dB
3=12dB LP-BP-HP morphable based on two 6dB filters
4=18dB LP-BP1-BP2-HP morphable filters based on three 6dB filters
for type 2 and 3 counts:
for type 4 counts:
1=36dB LP with control over cutoff and resonance
2=mostfilter2 LP version with control over cutoff and resonance
3=mostfilter2 HP version with control over cutoff and resonance
4=mostBfilter LP, a new filter which internally boosts the signal to get a more aggressive character
-an envelope with integer input as trigger. when gate=1, will function as AD and when gate=2, will function as ADSR
-a module to easily create a kick from an oscillator and 3 envelopes AND be able to use the tail as a melodic bassline, while the kick attack and body parts stay at their own pitch
-a module to create 4 banks of 4 formula's (pre-entered in a text-attribute), like the fruitloops formulator
It has 8 cv inputs (a to h) which can be recalled in the text just by their name (a,b,c..etc). Same counts for the 4 outputs, o1, o2, o3, o4.
Functions are pre-programmed in floats in the local data so a sine is just: SIN(a*PI*2)
Formula-selection can be externally controlled. Has attenuating scalers for in and outputs
float32_t T;
----------end of example
list of available "special" functions:
PI PI-value 3.14159265359....
SIN(X) Sine from X. For a full cycle enter: SIN(X*2*PI)
COS(X) Cosine from X. For a full cycle enter: COS(X*2*PI)
TAN(X) Tangent from X. For a full cycle enter: TAN(X*2*PI)
SEC(X) Secant from X. For a full cycle enter: SEC(X*2*PI)
CSC(X) Cosecant from X. For a full cycle enter: CSC(X*2*PI)
COT(X) Cotangent from X. For a full cycle enter: COT(X*2*PI)
POW(X,Y) Power function X^Y
SQR(X) Squareroot of X
ABS(X) Absolute (positive) value of X
LOG(X) Log function on X. For an input at scaleIn value, returns 0dB change to the scaleOut value.
QNT(X,range) Quantizes to range value)
DIV(X,range) Number of divisions: number of times that X has passed the range value)
REM(X,range) Remaining: X wraps back to 0 if it passes the range value)
MAX(X,Y) Maximum of X and Y)
MIN(X,Y) Minimum of X and Y)
CLP(X,max,min) Clipping between max and min)
of course you can also use the normal functions:
X+Y add X to Y
X-Y subtract Y from X
X*Y multiply X and Y
X/Y divide X by Y
X>Y compare: X greater then Y
X>=Y compare: X greater then or equal to Y
X<Y compare: X smaller then Y
X<=Y compare: X smaller then or equal to Y
X==Y compare: only if X equals Y
X&&Y compare: AND X and Y both above 0
X||Y compare: OR X or Y above zero
"not usable" for float calculations, need "special" care to use these:
-a splicer module to record parts of incoming audio, add splices etc.
-a matrix-delay based reverb with tail-time independent of delay-size