I ran into my old korg nanokontrol and found it quite a nice addition to the axoloti, though, I found the amount of controls to be just a bit too limited, so..
sends each midiCC to one of 4 outputs, depending on boolean selection (selectA/B).
-each row is a 'scene' on the korg nanokontrol (which has 4 scenes, so there are even two more rows to add here)
-each module is a "channel" on the korg nankontrol: 1 knob, 1 slider and 2 buttons, each having 4 different outputs.
-so you could very well control several stepsequencers and modulations, while still having enough controls left for controlling your synth-voice.
you could use the outputs of several modules to feed a mux, allowing you to change each step of a very long sequence or multiple sequences.