SirSickSik Contributions




a third take on my self-designed filter, now adding overdrive&limiting on both the filter-path as well as the resonance-path. Strickly speaking, the "resonance-path" is the rate at which the filter follows the input signal, which could be understood as the ratio between the mass of the input signal and the mass of the filter:
-an object with a small mass will quickly follow an object with a high mass->high cutoff frequency.
-an object with a high mass will respond less to an object with a low mass->low cutoff frequency.

The limiting of the filter/resonance could be seen in a couple of ways:
-limiting the filter-path is like adding air-resistance.
-limiting the resonance-path is like decreasing the gravity, as in, the further away the "other object" (input signal) is, the less the signal attracts the filter..


I’m also having this issue, does anyone know why this is?





Coloured noise based on 2 biquad allpass filters that can be added or subtracted to get LP/HP/BP/NOTCH/PEAK/LOWSHELF/HIGHSHELF filtered noise


they should all be there now
Note though, that sometimes I use capital characters, causing the module to be on top of the list




2 voice Attack/hold/decay/sustain/release envelope, linear attack, exponential decay and release.

The main out gives the highest envelope (max of 1/2), this is how it would be if just a single envelope was used (monophonic). Use this, for example, for a filter or if you're using only a single oscillator.

Envelope 1 and 2 are used together with 2 oscillators and vca's to produce a dual-voice. With every new gate, the next envelope goes into attack stage and the other is forced into release state, fading out the voice (less clicks).
Has trigger outputs to show which envelope is retriggered, which can be used to latch the pitch of the new voice to the right oscillator (factory/logic/latch).

And I've also just added extra outputs for new-stage-triggers&stage-number per voice and main/mono.
These can be used to trigger extra envelopes at certain stages. Eg. the factory AD-envelope is nice for this together with the "stageTrig" module.

a module to be used with the ahdsr2v module. It only lets the "new stage" trigger through when the stage matches the stage set by the stage-selector. (this selector only goes from 0 to 3, but if you embed the module, you can enter any range you want for your own use)


Still not seeing any of your recent uploads, seems to be from Sept 29th onwards... Axoloti doesn't show any errors when syncing the library, very confusing!


This is starting to be very frustrating... what the heck is going wrong everytime?!?
I know there are some problems with 44 modules, which cannot be updated because of some mismatch in files, but this shouldn't interfere with new modules I make..
Last time this happened was just before 29th september and I thought I fixed it by then as the new modules back then showed up..


Actually, having had a scout around the forum for other recent objects, it’s not just yours that haven’t updated. Could just be me with this issue though?


Are your sync-settings set right?
oooorrrrr, perhaps... is there a newer version of the patcher?





A tonnetz-sequence chord generator.

Several gates/triggers are used to make chord progression based on the tonnetz-progression theory.

First three inputs are "toggled gate" controlled: when the input is high, it goes in "the other" mode, when gate is low, it switches back.
P=parallel: switches the major for the minor and reverse.
R=relative: switches over to the relative of the chord
L=leading tone: switches between leading tones

Next four inputs are triggered: every time the input goes high, it adds/subtracts a fourth or a fifth to/from all note in the chord.
pF=add a fifth to all notes in the chord (5th can be multiplied by Fmode-selector to make bigger jumps. Eg. going from F(IV) to G(V) would be Fmode=2)
nF=subtract a fifth from all notes in the chord
pf=add a fourth to all notes in the chord(4th can be multiplied by fmode-selector)
nf=subtract a fourth from all notes in the chord
iU=inverse the chord up by adding an octave to the lowest note in the chord.
iD=inverse the chord down by subtracting an octave from the highest note in the chord.

Note! Internally the octaves are wrapped back (pendulum-wise) when going above the max-octave setting, this will cause the octave to step down to 0 before going up again (only noticable when octave is set to 3 or higher). This will only influence the octave-number, not the note being played.

Next to the basic triad, four additional notes are being generated based on the notes of the triad. Together with the notes of the triad, these can be used to generate a melody next to the chord.

The sequence can be forced to reset at a note and mode (major/minor).
Next to this, the amount of octaves that can be played, can be set using the "octaves" selector. Note that this responds in a "pendulum-wise" manner, though the notes stay the same. So if a note internally goes up one octave, but passes the max-octave setting, it actually goes down one octave at the output.

For more information on tonnetz sequences, see this video on youtube:
tonnetz video

To get a sequence to progress, you need to swap between changing L,R and P. If either one is toggled a second time without something else being changed, it just goes back to the former chord. Though of course, you can always send dual-triggers, triggering two or more changes at the same time.
The "gateSpreader" module (patt/gateSpreader) combined with a 0/1 counter /flipflop to generate a toggled gate works really well with this module.

Converting incoming midi notes to custom chords

Is this by chance based on the code used in the Ornament and Crime module?


I'm not basing my codes on other codes except for the ones in the axoloti if I need to know how to actually write something (like SINE2TINTERP(....,...) to be able to create a sine or using MTOF(...,..) to get frequency values from notes).
Though eurorack-land does show me lots of sweet ideas that I then try to code myself and add more functionalities if possible.
The tonnetz module was inspired by the tonnetz module of "Noise Engineering" after which I watched a video on it on youtube. That's where the P, R and L triggers come from. After it, I added some extra triggers that are combinations of several P,R and L transformations that are regulary used eg. IV to V (based on whether you're playing on major or minor scale). Though I'm still thinking about a control module that could automatically generate a phrase of transformations that follows a path and returning back home after a while, together with a melody generator that's based on counterpoint theory.


Ok. This wasn't meant as a slight (not sure if it was taken as one). I merely surmised it might be being that the code is freely available, similar to the MI stuff and perhaps the desire to see it represented in Axoloti was present. I just obtained an O_c module and the Tonnetz angle is new to me, It's a welcome addition to the cross-platform way in which I work.

I probably could've surmised if I had actually taken a look at the module. I tend to use the forum when at work and away from the Axoloti. Perhaps I'll reserve questions until I've actually looked at something.

Excellent, everything I've come across of your work has been outstanding (still only a couple of months in and have yet to even open every item). It is appreciated.



I just tried syncing library a few times and I don't see the tonnetzSeq in the community library here. I also checked github, both harmony folder and sequencer folder and I cant find it there either.

Any ideas?


ok, ive had a few PMs etc over this...

this is cause because SSS is not sync'ing correctly... so other users are not seeing the updates.

the last commit to GitHub by SSS was on the 28 Aug 2017
this can be seen here:

I suspect this is due to SSS issues that he detailed in this thread:

as you will see, I made suggestions about how to fix, but I guess these have not been implemented, as so the issues persist.

@SirSickSik, I think you need to resolve these issues... as I'm concerned that not only are users not seeing these updates/getting confused... but also your changes are not being 'backed up to the cloud'... i.e. you think you are syncing, but actually your changes are sitting locally on your machine.
anyway, as suggested previously, I suggest you copy your changes to a new directory, re-initialise the community library, and then put your changes back.
(frankly, you can copy your entire SSS (only!) sub tree back up without any real issue, just be careful if you have moved files)
note: you can you file->preferences->library->status to see what changes are going to be committed , prior to do the sync.


ok, ehm...
I copied my sss-folder to another directory, emptied the sss folder in community-objects and I have hit "sync" several times now.
It seems there are quite a lot of folder missing. Some of these should have been there way before, over a year ago I made these folders..
Are these also missing in the cloud?!? That would be quite a lot of modules still missing....

missing folders:


this is not what i told you to do... I said use reset all... emptying a folder and doing sync, if your unlucky, is telling git that you dont want any file in that folder i.e. delete everything
EDIT: yes confirmed... you manage to delete everthing in your SSS folder on the cloud

ok following is before I noticed you had deleted everything....

now Im going to need to think how to recover

as i said before... what I would do is:

a) take whatever you have been working on, so what you think is your 'latest version', and put in a folder somewhere (say your desktop)
make sure this is done correctly, you do not want to lose any files
b) do a reset all on libraries, this will delete everything and re-download what is in the cloud

then use a 'diff tool' and compare the 'cloud version' of your folder and your local copy (from step a)
I cant think of one off-hand but there are loads of free ones for both windows and mac, (search for something like windiff) , these will allow you to see which files and which directories are different.
you can then copy from your 'latest directory' anything that is missing.

if there is still something that is missing, then we will need to recover them from GitHub, but Im not willing to do this until you have done the above... and you are 'syncing correctly' and without a very explicit list of what is missing.
the reason is... if I start bringing things back and you then start syncing again they will just get deleted again, or cause conflicts...

this is the problem when files are copied around, and when the sync'ing is not done regularly, things get into a continuously more confusing state, since its get increasing unclear what is new, and what is old.


arghh, ok, I'm going to have to do this manually

here is what to do - do this precisely, and NOTHING else.

a) do a sync again, but do NOT change anything
(I just need you need to be currently in sync with github)

b) do NOT do another sync after that until I tell you, and certainly do NOT touch your SSS folder, i.e make no more edits until I tell you.

c) send me a zip file (link will do on dropbox) of what you think is your latest files.

d) wait until I sort it out... and do not change anything at all.
I'll try to do this, this evening
I will then tell you how to proceed.

what Im going to do is:
- get all the files from GitHub before you deleted them.
- copy over your 'latest files'
- sync to github

you will then be able to sync these from GitHub, and check that the changes are correct, and alter anything that is not.
... you can then correct anything that is not, and then sync this changes back.

what Im not going to do, is make any attempt at determining what is good n bad, old or new... Im just going to assume your latest version overrides everything else, but that it might not be correct.
the reason is, I dont follow this thread, so I really have no idea what you have been working on, or renaming etc, so I cant make any reasonable understanding

anyway... send me the zip file, and I will take a look later, and sort it out... and let you know when you can re-sync with the fixes.


ok, going to do step 1 now (after writing this), I repost if I have synced


I have synced.
(ps.. there ain't no sss folder... there ain't no folder at all in contribs anymore after I did the reset...)