Serial-Communication behaves wierd



I use a HC-SR04 ultrasonic-sensor with a arduino nano and send a range between 0-25 via Serial to my axoloti.

in my axoloti I have this script/script2-object connected to a disp/i .. and a disp/chart_b

this is my code:

void setup(void) {

   void loop(void) {
    // send a single byte, value from in1
    sdPut(&SD2, 220); 

    // read all pending bytes, value to out1
    while(!sdGetWouldBlock(&SD2)) {
	out1 = sdGet(&SD2)<<21;


somehow the recieved values are wierd.. the disp/i only goes from 53-47 and jumps every time up to 53.

why is that? do I hae to terminate the values I am sending somehow?


Have you set the baud rate?


Yes.. the gpio/serial/config-object is set to 9600 and also on my arduino I initialize the same baudrate.


I’m also confused, this code looks like Arduino. How does it run on Axoloti?


it runs in a script/script2-object.

I have solved it :smiley: .. the problem was, I was sending it from the arduino side via Serial.print(); .. I have changed it to Serial.write(); and now everything works fine.


yes, Serial.print on arduino preformats text to be displayed nicely on the serial monitor. for midi and the like always use Serial.write. glad you got it sorted!