Sending sysex to old gear



I was wondering whether there is an easy way to send midi sysex info to old rack units? I've got a Roland d110 on the way and am interested in some of the Yamaha fm ones too, but they all seem to use sysex rather than cc for everything. Guess this was before midi CCs became standardised? Anyway, is there an easy way to send midi sysex info from a text box or something? There was a thread last year in the dev section that mentioned it is possible, but it didn't say how to do it. I guess there's no object, but anything would be handy. It's possible with PD, but would love to do it with my axo. Thanks.


This should be possible with the midi/in/script object, but you'll have to write the code yourself to do what you want.

You can find all the necessary documentation in the firmware code:

You will need to call the MidiSendSysEx() function. The uint8_t bytes[] in that funtion will contain the data for the SysEx message.

More info on how SysEx messages for Roland machines are constructed can be found here:


Cool, thanks. I'm no good at coding, so it might take me a while to work all this out. Thanks for the info though.


If you have any more questions on how to do it, just ask around. Somebody will know the answer.



Did you figure this out? I would be interested in the results as well. I'll try something my self later this week I agree with jan for using the script object, but I'll need an implementation example to do it ( object is empty when I load it)
If I se an implementation I think I can hack it together (scriptkiddiestyle :wink:



Hi. No, I haven't had the chance to try it yet as I've been super busy over the last few months. Do post anything you manage to come up with though!


Did somone find a way to do this please ? I was trying to upload sysex patches to my volca FM.