Sending integers between boards via Midi


Hey there I want to send a bigger integer number from one axoloti board to another via midi.
I want to use pitchbend to acurately present the number.

since pitchbend should be 16384 steps I multiply my integer by 64 before feeding to the /bend object.
(16384/64 (axoloti range) = 256

on the other board I receive the vale corectly but I have trouble converting it back to integer as the math/* object doesn't allow me to multiply by 256 to get my value back.

So does anybody know another way to do this or what's wrong with math/* ?


have you tried bitshifting instead of division and multiply? that should be much faster also.

so to divide by 256 you would do >>8 and to multiply you would do <<8 i think there are objects for that as well.


Thanks lokki, that goes a little beyond my understanding of programming/how maths in axoloti work but I will try it with the available objects.


try with math/>> (to divide) and math/<< (to multiply) not sure if it will work. as said for 256 you want to put an 8 in there. (2^8)