Reaching SRAM limit


Hi folks,

I'm building a sequencer with the Akai Fire but I'm reaching the SRAM limit.
I've attached the patch here:Y-AkaiFire-Axo-1.4.1.axp (477.0 KB)
This version of the patch is still ok but if I had few objects, I reach the limit quickly.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Maybe I could do things differently that hopefully could save me some more SDRAM?

Thanks for your help


There are some objects missing. You probably have them in your local folder, which means that we can not access them.

That a side, are you sure you don't mean SRAM instead of SDRAM?

From looking at the patch, for SRAM savings:
You have a ton of subpatches, where you can change the amount of presets to 0 along with how many params can be included in a preset. Doing so, will lower SRAM use a bunch. To do this:

  1. Open a subpatch by pushing "edit" button on the subpatch.
  2. Go to the "view" drop down menu and choose "settings".
  3. Make these settings from the image:

If you do that to all the subpatches, you will save a lot of SRAM :slight_smile:

But for SDRAM, I am not sure, I don't see anything using a lot of SDRAM.


You are absolutely right. I was referring to SRAM (not SDRAM).

... and THANKS A LOT for your answer. I totally forgot there's settings for each sub patches.



Topic title edited from
Reaching SDRAM limit
Reaching SRAM limit


So I ended up doing that for all sub patches and it didn't really change anything ... :thinking:
Here's the updated version:
Y-AkaiFire-Axo-1.4.2.axp (496.8 KB)


That was my best suggestion, by looking at it shortly.

I can't go to much in depth when I can't make the patch live and don't have the right midi controller.

But I am sure there are things you can do. It does seem a bit heavy when I load the patch on my Mac. It takes around 10 seconds to load into the editor. Never tried something that slow before.

But yeah, not sure what to suggest next.


Yeah. Maybe this is a bit ambitious. I'll wait for the Akso to push it a little bit.
Thanks for the help anyway.


I am sure you can optimise it. Everything can be optimised :wink:

I would suggest looking into making something using tables, using SDRAM for the tables. That way you can offload the SRAM a bit.

Like for example you can make something for the akai midi controller, where all the parameters are send through a table and store the values there, before sending the values to it's destinations. You are using many midi inputs. Maybe you can actually do with just a single midi input, and write the data to a table, based on which cc is selected. CC1 write to index1 of the table, cc2 writes to index 2 of the table and so on. And then use table read to read out those specific value for the specific indexes. I think you can save a bunch that way too.

Anyway, its not uncommon to rebuild something, in a smarter way, once you have learned more. I have a sequencer for Pure Data that I have been working on for 4 years, build/rebuild numerous times. In the start it was functional but very badly written. So I rewrite it over and over until it worked very well :slight_smile:


This probably does not apply here, but when using classes and functions, you can avoid inlining to save memory:
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) myfunction()
That saved me about 10kb once.
My thinking is that it is OK to do this for anything that is not called in a tight loop / high frequency.

The worst offender using lots of SRAM from my experience are nested patch-objects.


I ended up testing the difference with and without nested patch-objects and as @ivofx said, using nested is a lot SRAM consuming.

I usually use patch/patcher mostly for a better reading of my patch and to avoid having a huge messy patch.
As a Max/MSP user, [patcher] object is super useful in this way.

Now I want more SRAM so I have to compromise. I'll probably rebuild the whole thing but I'm struggling on how I should get my patch organized.

What should I do? How do you manage big patches?

Thanks for the help