Rasberry Pi as musical instrument


No, it's got the GUI.
Not even sure there is a gui-less version, thats just a (optional) command line option when you start pd

When you go to the package manager it'll tell you - also apt search will also tell you if doing on the command line.

What particular feature of 0.48 are you interested in?


Actually yeah, after gaining a bit more knowledge about it since I was playing with it I think there is not a specific GUI-less version, you can just run pd in GUI-less mode to save ressources. These are command lines for when running in GUI-less mode or to boot pure data in GUI-less mode.


Not anything special. I can do with 0.47 I use that on my Mac too. But I thought I might as well get the latest 0.48.

But one thing that is nice about 0.48, beside the vst stuff, I havent gotten around to yet, is also that you should be able to switch to GUI-less mode from within Pure data. That would bee great to have too when working with larger patches.


different distros can use different mirrors/sources to get packages.
in particular raspbian manages its own repo, and can often lag a little behind, often they do this to allow other dependent packages to catch up.

for raspbian stretch its currently at 0.47.3

puredata/stable,now 0.47.1-3 all [installed]
  realtime computer music and graphics system

(and yes, I did an update before hand to check for an update)

there is nothing to stop you adding another repo source, the risk you run, going to early, is you'll later find that some other package you want, that depends on puredata , will have a dependency back to the older version (47) , and so you'll end up with both installed (which can cause other sets of issues) ... also you can get downstream dependency issues, i.e. pure data 48 might depend on newer version of x/y/z, so again those end up getting pulled in (not usually an issue but can be)

... this is the reason distros like to have their own mirrors, so they can keep the main packages in some kind of consistent state, doesn't always work - but works better than always just using the 'latest and greatest'


Okay, Ill give it a try today or tommorow. I woul sure like to have deken too. so to get version 0.47 i do this?:

sudo apt get install puredata


different distros can use different mirrors/sources to get packages.
in particular raspbian manages its own repo, and can often lag a little behind, often they do this to allow other dependent packages to catch up.

for raspbian stretch its currently at 0.47.3

puredata/stable,now 0.47.1-3 all [installed]
  realtime computer music and graphics system

(and yes, I did an update before hand to check for an update)

there is nothing to stop you adding another repo source, the risk you run, going to early, is you'll later find that some other package you want, that depends on puredata , will have a dependency back to the older version (47) , and so you'll end up with both installed (which can cause other sets of issues) ... also you can get downstream dependency issues, i.e. pure data 48 might depend on newer version of x/y/z, so again those end up getting pulled in (not usually an issue but can be)

... this is the reason distros like to have their own mirrors, so they can keep the main packages in some kind of consistent state, doesn't always work - but works better than always just using the 'latest and greatest'

well vsts are pointless on the PI... and are already possible with 47, they have just refined the API in 48... and I dont know if the current VST PD bridges have even updated to use this yet. (perhaps they have, perhaps not) .. but moot point o a PI :wink:

switching gui-less, also seems kind of pointless to me on a PI, one of the main reasons to run PD guileless on a PI, is so that you dont have to start X windows.... (which is a large resource hog).
so if your start PD in gui mode, you are already running X, so just turning off the PD gui is not saving you much
... you'd be much better off, killing X, killing PD and restarting PD in non gui mode.
(its theoretically, possible you are able to kill X , and keep PD running, but I very much doubt this will )

yes, deken is in 47

fyi, Im going to chat to with owen (c&g) about if we should move organelle to 47 or 48... Ive suggested 48, but only so we dont later have to do another build... but maybe we will go with 47.3 for its stability, and also as I said clone is my desire :slight_smile:


If you want to use it as an instrument as stand alone you need to be able to boot it in GUI-less mode. That is what most Pi3's running pure data does, when not connected to a display. So it is kind of important, especially for lower ressources system like the PI3. And it does save ressources, from what I could read around the web. The Graphics are actually heavier than one thinks. And it would be nice to have that .048 feature where you can switch to guiless mode to see how the patch runs, without having to reboot pi or PD or whatever.

Yes this was not related to Pi3, just a general good thing.

So to get version 0.47 i do this?:

sudo apt get install puredata



I didn't say that, I said.. you should also not run X, and then you can start pd with pd -nogui, and this can be done with any version of pd ... organelle does this with 0.46.x.
and my point was, 0.48 might allow PD to stop its gui, but it wont kill X... so you will still have a big resource hog running.
I think this live switching is more useful for windows/mac, because you cannot stop their window manger (unlike linux), so stopping PD running its gui thread is about as good as it gets. (perhaps its also to get rid of PDs annoying windows)

and you dont have to reboot a PI to stop X windows...

anyway, this gets quickly into a discussion about the best way to run headless/minimal setups on a PI, which is quite a bit beyond not running pd with a gui, or even stopping X.

yes, sudo apt get install puredata ... or use the package manager app , which does the same thing :wink:


update: just spoke to owen, appears the arch linux distro used for Organelle already has 0.48 available, so we have updated to that for testing, if no issues appear then this will be included in the next release (then I can port my patches over to clone - yay!)

rPI, Im still going to stick with raspbian's 0.47.3 version until they upgrade their distro.

EDIT: ok, just noticed some patches are not running well on 48 for organelle, so this might not happen after all :wink:


Actually still building patches for Organelle. But getting there :slight_smile:

To me to most important thing to get going is getting 48khz working on it. Since all the new patches I have made is made at 48 khz. And I dont use much externals anyway, mostly zexy and cyclone and they are widely availbale so I am covered in most situations anyway. But, when I am done with t patch I am working on I will try 48khz.


good news, Ive built the PD 48 package manually, and its now working fine on Organelle.
(seems to break a couple of patches, but it looks like they might possibly have legitimate errors in them)

so hopefully we are back on, for having this in the new release
(Ive supplied package and build info for owen to test at CG)


Great :slight_smile:

Seems like they think 0.48 is stable now, it hasnt changed for a while, so thats great. I still use mostly 0.47, but mostly because the first couple of versions I tried of 0.48 was really unstable. But maybe it stime to change soon :slight_smile:


I managed to install Raspbian Jesse, followed by the generic PD install, all went fine.
I haven't tried to use PD yet, I did start it up to see if it works, and all is good.