Quantising Table Playback To Clock


I know this topic has poped up a couple of times here but I couldn't find an answer here and Ihave a specific aproach that I need help with:
I want to quantise the playback of a table to a clock, a master tempo. More concrete I want to Loop Audio and have the Loops playback in Sync with the master Tempo. To start with that I don't need to incorporate the possibility of tempo changes.

My aproach is to first of all quantize the Record/Play button presses of the Looper Patch. Furthermore I count how long the loop is in clock ticks. What I want now is that the loop play is being retriggered after the amount of counted clock ticks. Unfortunately I am not able to change the value of the counter that retrigger acording to the counted loop length. Hard to explain, maybe just have look at my patch:

Loop Quantised.axp (8.8 KB)


Thanks already, without the Input of this board I would have never gotten so far!

P.S. Ultimately I want to exchange the LFO with a midi clock but that is more a question dividing the midi clock output and setting the counters right, isnt it?

P.S. I am fully aware that this retriggering creates little ticks, it's no problem for now!

Rbrt Contributions
Convert timeri to pulselenghtm delay inlet
Driving 4 leds regarding loop length

Yeaha I just found the dynamic counter by Chaosmoon. https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/request-counter-with-dynamic-limit/766

This was the missing piece of the puzzle. This is a Looper that syncs to a clock. I have not implemented midi clock yet but theoretically it should work. If you want to change quantisation to 1 Bar for example you have to change the counter after the clock. I could be nice to have certain values ready and selectable with a mux.

quantized looper.axp (9.1 KB)

P.S. It does not adapt to tempo changes yet, but that should be possible with using table read instead. Then You would get tape style pitch drop when slowing down,