Proper tablet reading for wavetable synths


Yes I am pretty sure. From Serum manual page 11:

Edit i mean 8 kilobyte

The wavetables in Serum consist of up to 256 sub-tables, or single-cycle
waves which will be referred to hereafter as frames. This is probably best thought of as (up to) 256 discrete waveforms, which are joined together end-to-end in the parent file on disk.In normal circumstances you hear one of these 256 tables at a time, but you can automate (using the WT Pos knob) to have the sound 'animate' though various tables. Technically it
is possible to hear multiple tables simultaneously, by enabling Unison
(for multiple simultaneous voices) and the Unison WT Pos control (to
have said multiple voices play different sub-tables, see Global settings
chapter for more on this control).

Technically speaking, when Serum loads a wavetable it is using 2048
samples for a sub-table of the wavetable set. This means the
maximum file size would be 2048(samples) x 256(sub-tables) x 32(bits)
(which is exactly 2 megabytes).

Most wavetable files won't be this large however. It is common to have
a good sounding wavetable which may consist of just a few sub-tables.

From serum manual page 13:
While this uses hard disk space (how much size depends on how many frames you
use in the Wavetables, from 8k to 4 Megabytes) the benefit is that you
can exchange presets with others, or open your song in the future,
without having to worry about table file management. so there is no
need to save wavetables unless you want your wavetable to appear in
the Wavetable Menu.


8 kilo bytes might be short but it is fine here. I know on Blofeld they are made of 128 waves of 64 sample length, so they are much longer.

Anyway try yourself. Here is the patch I am working on. I have included the .raw file used and also the wavefile before it is converted to raw.

@johannes Please take a look at the indexing of the table. If you scan through the wavetable the first 11 tables should be different than the rest. From 12 and up it is the same stativ saw wave. So if you want to check if indexing is correct you can check if selecting wave 12 and up changes the sound alot. You can check the wavefile in wave editor.

Link for patch and samples. I think it is pretty good as it is now, but should probably be setup in a different way. I used table play pitch cause I need to be able to select position(wavetable). Any updates and help is welcome. WOuld be really awesome too get this right :smile:!7Yh23AoZ!ndn0GcQzT5-Kc8yzOL4RgpG_Zn9Eo-nCz9y7pstQmco


maybe useful to anyone using audacity to adjust sound lengths with the stretch plugin mentioned above. These are the time values that correspond to the exact number of samples

mono 48k 16bit raw bytes - 16bit samples at 48000hz - time equivalent

4 - 2 - 0.00004
8 - 4 - 0.00008
16 - 8 - 0.00016
32 - 16 - 0.00032
64 - 32 - 0.00065
128 - 64 - 0.00132
256 - 128 - 0.00266
512 - 256 - 0.00533
1024 - 512 - 0.01066
2048 - 1024 - 0.02133
4096 - 2048 - 0.04266
8192 - 4096 - 0.08533
16,384 - 8192 - 0.17066
32,768 - 16384 - 0.34133
65,536 - 32768 - 0.68266
131,072 - 65536 - 1.36533
262,144 - 131072 - 2.73066
524,288 - 262144 - 5.46133
1,048,576 - 524288 - 10.92266
2,097,152 - 1048576 - 21.84533
4,194,304 - 2097152 - 43.69066


i came here via search but found that actually 64 = 100% so if you want 50% through the table you need 32.