Proper tablet reading for wavetable synths


Im playing around with the table alloc object now. Thankfully this conversation brought my attention to it. I think a lot of cool stuff can be done but at the moment it still has some "garbage" data in the sample table even with the size correctly set. Hopefully its still possible to squeeze that data out and it isnt something that is always added.

Also..i know i've been advized not to make the table size live adjustable but its totally stable smiley pretty fun stuff


even with the table size too small the same pattern appears.
I cant understand where it is coming from. Perhaps the table read object, since im getting the same result from a saw lfo as with a phasor.


i think even the 32b table alloc object with sliders has this artifact.


Thinking out loud....Isn't there something about using wav of raw files can make a click sound at the start of the file? But I dont remember which one it is that makes the click.


well im using the table/allocate 16b sliders object now and you can see a weird spike that appears when adjusting a single slider.

i hope its something silly from my end. like exec order or something


Can you zoom out a bit on the analyzer.... Just to see if the noiseclick has the same period between each spike?

Maybe add a restart button... And check it the click is first everytime you restart the cycle. Then you can atleast eliminate the start click theory I think it might be...


yeah. this is from the table with sliders. its a click at the start of the table.

its not interpolated - just a table/read object of the following values.


Yeah I see.... Besides the first one it seems pretty consistent.... ...Could still be when the the wavfile is restarted,,,,,,, Maybe try retriggering the sound and check if it the click comes first when you retrigger the waveplayer/table.


i bet its because im not using a normal Phasor....


Could be.... I am out of ideas for now.


well normal phasor makes the click go away in a slider table object. but its still there with wav playback.


Did you try changing the format? From wav to raw or vice versa?


raw format works. ffs. thanks.
the header is what was causing that garbage in the playback when using a wav.


Nice it is Working 👍 😄 I had The Feeling it was format problem.


yeah thank you guys for reading the spam! I think i might be able to make very clean wavetable synths now!

I am using the phasor compl object and it is pitching everything correctly.

I am also going to see if adjusting the table alloc object with custom element numbers can perfectly fit wavs..but im not sure it is necessary now..or the difference is so small that i am not noticing it yet.


NP wink

Sometimes a little incorrectness adds some character. So if you like the sound that sums it up for me smile


am i understanding correctly that if my sample is (in windows and in axo file manager) a raw file at 1114 bytes - i will need 557 16bit elements for the table? seems like its off by a bit when i drive the table with a phasor - like the table is too small. Probably making a different object that plays only the filled table space is best practice but, I am wondering if theres a more exact way to do it with existing objects.


I don't think so... its a week since i looked at the code, but from memory, when the files read it is not reported anywhere how much of the table was filled. similarly the table knows its length, but not how much is filled.
really what we need to do is have the load or perhaps read object on table, know much of the length is really in use.
(i.e. it may be 512 elements long, but we only have 256 elements filled).
then i think perhaps the pos should be using the 'actual length' rather than the possible length.
this would mean the user would not need to know/care about it....

(I think it would be handy also for the load object to also report some info... in particular so you can know if the file was too large to be fully loaded, so was truncated ... useful when your initially trying the patch out, so you know if to use a bigger table or not)


yeah best to do it properly..otherwise you'll have to make like custom table objects with custom lengths for all of your hundreds of samples or whatever..
thanks. will chill a bit and approach it with a fresh brain sometime



Which raw format did you export to? I am using Audacity and there are like 20 different raw formats to choose from?

Can I just change the filename instead? like melo4n.wav to melo4n.raw in finder window and let OSX select the fileattributes? or do I have to do it in an audio editor?

I am working on my first table patch, but I am not really getting any sound out of it. When I use .wav I only get the header click. When I use .raw I get no sound. I might be using the wrong raw format?

Any help appreciated :smile:

Table test 2.axp (3.3 KB)