I wonder if it is "possible" (I know, possible is everything, but with only a few know how on STM32 development) to port to STM32 F4 Discovery. I don't mean the STM32F401 board, but the one with the STM32F469 and the TFT display.
I would like to have the display and touchscreen. So maybe later I can add some litte GUI for loading patches.
The board has all you need, except MIDI sockets:
180MHz STM32F469
16MByte SD RAM (!)
Audio CODEC, even three MEMS microphones
SD card slot
4" TFT touchscreen
So it should be possible to run Axomoti without additional hardware. I have knowledge programming Mikrocontrollers, mainly in C, some C++. But I only did one SMALL project on STM32. So if there is someone out there who would like to assist, it would be much appreciated.
BTW.: I am planning to build a standalone Synth, with many knobs and switches and therefor a display would be nice. I am NOT a musician, I cannot play a Synth. But I like to build software and hardware and in this case my first goal is, to build a nice case. But it should also befunctional, so my brother can play on it. And maybe I can learn some playing, too.