Polyphony basics


I'm trying to make a patch polyphonic. I have read the docs and seen the video (sort of). I am confused, and my patch still isn't polyphonic.

Which patch has to be set to Subpacth mode = Polyphonic? The outer patch or the subpatch? Or both? I have tried all combinations...


the subpatch

dont forget to hit 'update' on the patcher object in the parent... once you do this, you will see 'number of voices'

and also remember your inlets are not polyphonic, so you need to place things like midi/in/keyb inside the voice patch

have a look at the demo synths , e.g. factory->demo->synths->strings


OK, I've had a look at factory->demo->synths->strings. From this I can see that almost everything actually has to be in the subpatch - from and including midi/in/keyb and also including mixers, filters, enevelopes etc. The only thing that is left in the outer patch is an effect. This is not the impression I got from reading the documentation.



that totally depends on what you are trying to achieve...

as I said inlets are not polyphonic, so that's why (currently) midi is placed inside.
for everything else, of course, anything that you don't want to be shared across voices, has to be in the patch ... so its 'common' to want to have oscillators, filters, envelopes etc per voice

however, for somethings (most obviously effects) you will want these to be 'global' , often because you want to save resources, so having the per voice is expensive (especially at higher voice counts)
examples include, wavetables, reverbs

also bare in mind, that sub-patches can filter midi channels etc...
so your 'main patch' may actually have many (potentially polyphonic) sub patches, for different midi channels, or splits/layering.

so yes, I deliberately pointed you to a simple patch to highlight how to do polyphony, but things get much more interesting, when you get creative :slight_smile:


So it should be possible to have a subpatch with 3 oscillators connected to 3 outlets, and then connect the 3 outlets to a mixer in the outer patch? I have now tried to modify my patch in that way, but now it makes no sound at all. I suspect the subpatch does not receive any MIDI notes.

I think I will have to try a different approach by using the demo patch and then gradually modify it to fit my needs.


OK, I finally got it working by copy-pasting everything from my own patch into the demo subpatch. I can't say what the problem was, but as long as it works I'm satisfied :slight_smile:


Sounds like 'patch settings' , so I'd compare these, them just remember to hit update.
Like many things, once you've done it once , it'll seem obvious - which is conversely why others find it difficult to know what's wrongs :wink: