Pitch, Freq, Phase on Osc objects


Sorry if is a damn question but...
Somebody can Explain how they work?
Pitch is ok... The input expect a number from -64 to 64 or 0-127 depending of the object (with two decimals) they correspond to the midi note

What about Frequency? Is a linear in? In that case how is distributed? 0/-64 20hz 127/64 20khz? 0 is 0hz?

And Phase? 0/-64 0 degree and 127/64 360?


In which object did you find a 0-127 reference?
Only 2 decimals are shown, internal precision is much higher.

Linear frequency input assumes the following scaling
"osc/phasor lin" allows you to explore the scaling by adjusting the frequency parameter.


My mistake!I... just assumed Mono-polar Ins are like this...but look like are just 0-64

And is there a way of converting a Integer directly to frequency?
Lets say... I a want a 10000Hz freq hot to say this to an Osc?
Maybe the opposite to MTOF...


So if I've calculated correctly (24000/6400=3.75), a fractional value of 0.01 = 3.75Hz?

Sorry for the necro by the way. I just got here because I'm searching for info on the linear frequency scale used by the Axoloti.


You can use the parameter dial to check the correspondence to real world units

no prob bumping an old thread.


Ah ok, I was thinking more about the linear LFOs without dials. Do they correspond to this frequency range too or do they max out at 1500Hz (nyquist of the k-rate)?