Patch sharing?spooky patch!


Generative Patch wants to be shared......2Rndsaws.axp (33.9 KB)


Amazing !
Only 20%, fits on one page without using patch/patcher, and sounds really nice. I like it a lot, I think tomorrow will be "studying your patch" day for me

The funny think is, I'm starting to really recognize the sound of the axoloti now. It may be the reverb (quite characteristic), but in all it sounds great, well done !


feedback welcome ...also variations plz post em here:
@mytas ...its a Patch from oct 2015 .short after my patcholti arrived..just added the mod delay..luckily i didnt know much about patchers then..
this Patch evolved to a Monster nobody can control2randomsawsdelaybmidilaunchupgm.axp (108.5 KB)
kinda overkill isnt it?


Wow, that sure is a monster patch ! I preferred the 1st version actually :smile:
What kind of input controls did you put on the 4 Gpio's, knobs or sensors ?


WAu! and its starts by its looong name; alot of patch/patchers :wink:
delay to 64 - crazyness

Maybe this could be in a new topic/wish, when MIDI CC's are mapped could be useful to have a list of whats what, and
how many are actually mapped.
ex. MIDI CC1 - dial_2


Knobs....for filter freq and reso and yes the 2Rndsaws.axp is the better patch.....keep it simple